Language: Program Magazynowy - Wersja angielska Program Magazynowy - Wersja polska

Accounts - instructions

LoMag enables you to select an account on each of the documents. An account may be another company, a co-worker, a department of your own company or an institution with which you wish to associate documents. The account support is optional - after it is switched off, the account selection field will disappear from the documents.

1. Suppliers, Customers, Employees

There are three types of accounts in LoMag:

  • Suppliers
  • Customers
  • Employees

The types of accounts were created so that you could separately register given warehouse processes. Different types of accounts go with each warehouse document. The supplier is used on GRNs, the customer is used on GINs and Interbranch Transfers, and the employee on the Internal Goods Received and Issued Notes.

To start working on the first type of accounts - the supplier - you must launch the module responsible for managing this type of account. To launch the module, go to the main menu of the program and select LoMag. The window for managing suppliers will open (LoMag).

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In this module, you will find a list of accounts defined as S for Suppliers, as well as the tools necessary for managing these accounts. The interface allows you to add (LoMag), edit (LoMag) and delete (LoMag) accounts. The module also allows you to display the history(LoMag) of the accounts, as well as to print (LoMag) and export (LoMag) the list of accounts. With the help of the LoMag function you can display various types of accounts, and thanks to the LoMag tool you may freely manage the accounts table.

To add a new account to the database, click LoMag on the tool bar, which will launch the LoMag module.

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You will find a series of fields to be filled data about the accounts in the interface of the LoMag window. In view of better identification (description) of the account, it is advisable to enter as much information about the account as possible.

To add a new account to the program database, enter their name and surname in the LoMag field. The LoMag field may also be defined in another way (e.g., by entering the name a business partner's company). Next, you determine the type of account. You have three options: the customer (LoMag), the supplier LoMag) and the employee (LoMag). Each account may be ascribed to one, two or all three types of these groups. To assign a given group to an account, mark LoMag for a given account field - so if you want a given account to be defined as a customer, a supplier and an employee you should mark (LoMag) all these items. If, for example, you want it to be only a supplier, mark the LoMag field, and leave the remaining fields unmarked (LoMag).

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Enter data regarding the account - to do that, you will need LoMag and LoMag parts of the interface. Enter the street, house number, city, postal code, telephone number, etc.

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You will find the LoMag field in the lower part of the LoMag module, where you can enter the account's Tax Identification Number and National Register of Business Entities (REGON). You will also find the LoMag field there, into which you can enter additional information about the account.

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After you have entered all the data, click LoMag to save the account in the program. The LoMag window will be closed, and the newly added account will be displayed in the LoMag window.

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If there is a need to edit any account, left-click it on the accounts list (in the LoMag window), and select the LoMag function from the tool menu. A window for editing data regarding a given account will be displayed.

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The LoMag function, which is for deleting an account from the database, works analogously.

  • If a given account is used on warehouse documents (transfers), you cannot delete it from the database of LoMag.

The LoMag module enables individual verification of warehouse transfers for each of the accounts. To check the history of warehouse processes you should click a given account and then use the LoMag button - the LoMag dialogue box will be launched.

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The interface of the LoMag window will show all warehouse transfers (warehouse documents) for a given account. Each transfer may be recovered (edited) with the use of the LoMag button located in the upper part of the interface. The history of the transfer may also be printed (LoMag) and saved as an Excel file (LoMag). In the upper part of the window you can find an option of moving directly from one account to another (see below).

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Let us close the warehouse transfer window (LoMag). The LoMag function in the LoMag module allows you to go between all types of accounts (see below).

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After selecting an appropriate filter in the LoMag window, the corresponding type of account will be displayed.

The LoMag module enables you to generate and print an address label for the account by pressing the LoMag button.

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More information about warehouse labels - creation, generation, printing can be found in the "Label Designer" instructions, here.

The modules regarding customers and employees as accounts are located in the same place, as for suppliers. To launch the "customer" accounts module, go to the top menu and select LoMag.

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An analogous mechanism operates for employees. To launch a module for those accounts select LoMag from the menu. Further actions regarding employees in the LoMag window are executed in the very same way as for the previous type of account, i.e., supplier.

2. Account history

The LoMag module, which we have already discussed in these instructions, could also be launched via the main menu, by selecting LoMag.

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To select the history of warehouse transfers for a given account, select it from the LoMag field.

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Once you have selected an account, all warehouse transfers (warehouse documents) for the selected account will be displayed. The LoMag tools described previously will enable basic operations regarding warehouse transfers history management.

3. Account balance

Account balance in LoMag inventory management was created for an easy and transparent overview of the quantity and value of items for a chosen account over a given period.

To go to account balance select LoMag from the main menu.

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After you have selected LoMag the interface of the LoMag window will be displayed. You will find a series of options in this module which will help you display the desired listing of quantity and value of items for a given account at a given period.

Let's find out how the balance works on a concrete account, let's check the detailed balance for John Kowalski from the 4th quarter 2013, regarding items from the group of "fruit". First, select the account from the "Select account" drop-down list.

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After you have selected the account, you will have their whole item listing displayed.

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You are interested in the balance from the 4th quarter 2012, so next you have to go to the field of "years, quarters, months", which you will find in the left-hand part of the LoMag module, next mark the LoMag field. After you have marked the LoMag field the balance of the account for the 4th quarter 2012 is displayed.

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Let's say you are only interested in the balance for the "fruit" group - select "fruit" from the "All groups" field.

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Once you have selected the group, only a listing of items from the "fruit" group for John Kowalski from the last quarter 2013 is displayed (see below).

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To have an even more detailed balance for a given account, you can use the search tool in the " Results" part.

You can look into the details of the balance and you an also print it (LoMag) or export it (LoMag) to Excel. In LoMag you can also display a balance for a given item, e.g., "Apples" as well as check the balance for a more detailed period.

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The LoMag module might be useful if you have a warehouse which stocks tools and equipment (e.g., drills and grinders), which you issue to your employees. Thanks to this module, you can easily determine which tools are held by your employees. For instance, you have tools for employees, which have also been added to the item list in LoMag inventory management. The tools have been ascribed to the "Equipment" group. When a tool is issued to an employee, an Internal Good Issued Note LoMag is issued with it, when the tool is returned by the employee an Internal Goods Received Note LoMag is issued.

To check who was issued which tools, go to the "All groups" field, and select the "Equipment" group. The window will display a register of all the received and issued tools.

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4. Importing accounts from Excel

In many parts of LoMag there is a possibility of importing data from Excel files, e.g. in the parts regarding items. There is also a possibility of importing external data for accounts. To import a list of accounts from Excel you need to use the LoMag function, which you will find in the LoMag menu.

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The LoMag module will be launched. To import a list of accounts from Excel, first you must select and upload a file, which is located on your hard drive - use the LoMag button (located in the upper port of the interface).

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Next, choose the file and click LoMag. The Excel file will be uploaded to LoMag inventory management.

  • The file will not be uploaded to LoMag if it is open and used in another program, e.g., Microsoft Excel.

This is what the file including a list of items looks like in the spreadsheet:

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The file has been uploaded to LoMag:

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Next, adjust the Excel columns to the fields of the LoMag module. Select an appropriate field from the list for every column you wish to import (e.g. account name, account phone number).

There is information regarding the name of the account in the first column. To import this data (column one), select an appropriate field from the drop-down list, i.e. "Account name" (see below).

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Further columns show additional information about accounts; to import further data, select an appropriate field from the drop-down list, to which the data will be ascribed. Proceed in the same manner with each column you wish to import to the database.

  • Columns marked with "Do not import" will not be imported to LoMag inventory management.

After you have selected appropriate columns, click LoMag to import the data.

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A window informing you that the import has been successful will come up (see below).

  • For the process of data import to conclude, the "Account Name" field (column) is required. If this element (column) is lacking, the import process will not be executed.
  • During the import you do not determine the types of accounts (Suppliers, Customers, Employees). Each imported account has been automatically ascribed to all three account types (roles).

To set roles (Supplier, Customer, Employee) for a given account and to check whether the process has been successful (whether the accounts from the Excel file have been added or updated) you can go to one of the account modules, i.e., LoMag or LoMag or LoMag.

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As you can see above, the accounts imported from Excel have been properly added. To change their account types, use the LoMag function which was discussed before.

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Defining account types can be done also directly while importing the account list. Let's open the *.xls with a list of accounts in any spreadsheet (e.g., Microsoft Excel, OpenOffice Calc).

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Next, add three additional columns to your file (see below), which will be used for defining the account type.

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Define the A1, B1, and C1 cells as: "Supplier", "Customer", "Employee".

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To ascribe an account type to a given account, you need to define the cells by entering "yes" or "no", where "yes" - defines given account type, and "no" means the lack of such a role. As an example, let's define "Vincent Devon" as a customer and "Borm McGlan" as an employee (see below).

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Let's go back to the LoMag module and import the updated Excel file using the LoMag key.

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Next, use the functions which will help you define an appropriate account type for the "Supplier", "Customer” and "Employee" columns. So, select the "Supplier (yes/no)" field (see below) for the "Supplier" column.

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In the same manner, use the "Customer (yes/no)" function for the "Customer" column and "Employee (yes/no)" for the "Employee" column.

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After defining appropriate columns, to import data to the program, click LoMag

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And thus, you have directly determined account types while importing data.

5. Finding accounts

LoMag offers you the option of finding accounts. To that end, you have to use the LoMag window, which is launched by default when one of the warehouses is turned on (opened).

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The LoMag window may also be turned on with the use of the LoMag icon located on the tool bar and the use of the "Ctrl+F" keyboard shortcut.

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The LoMag module may be used for finding data regarding items, documents and accounts, which are our main focus at the moment. To find accounts, go to the LoMag window, the "Accounts" tab.

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The LoMag window has a search tools area (LoMag), a tool menu for managing accounts (LoMag) and the accounts list (LoMag).

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The list of accounts in the LoMag window is empty. To display a full list of accounts, use the LoMag. A full list of accounts in LoMag database will be displayed.

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You can search for accounts by a fragment of a text, Tax Identification Number or by account type. The text fragment may also be supplemented by a part or the whole of the Tax Identification Number, or you could specify the account type - this significantly limits the search spectrum. For example, let's find one of the accounts, e.g. Kowalski. Enter the first two letters of the name of the account, i.e. "Ko" to the LoMag field and see what happens.

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As you can see in the above screenshot, accounts including letters "ko" in their name have been displayed. In this case only two such accounts are present, however, if you have a lot of accounts, it is advisable to change the search method. Enter a longer text fragment or additionally use the LoMag field or set the account type, which you wish to have displayed LoMag and/or LoMag and/or LoMag. The LoMag field means that a given account is displayed, while the LoMag field means that this type of account is not displayed in the LoMag window.

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Tool bar for accounts in the LoMag window is identical as in the previous modules LoMag, LoMag, LoMag - tools for accounts operate in the same manner.

You can freely configure the dialogue box of the LoMag module, e.g. you can display or hide any column, change column name, etc. If you need to manage the columns, use the LoMag option, which may be found in the lower part of the interface.

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If you click LoMag, the LoMag interface will be launched. In the first part of the interface you will find fields with hidden columns (LoMag) and visible columns (LoMag) in LoMag. The second part of the window enables you to change the column name (LoMag), adjusting the number of decimal places and the change of column width.

Program Magazynowy

For example, let's use the column display option. You wish to display an important column, which is hidden now - for example a column with account's postal code. To display the chosen column ("postal code"), mark it in the LoMag field, and transfer it to the LoMag field using the LoMag button.

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Approve the change with the LoMag button. From now on, there will be a column with postal codes of accounts in the search module in the warehouse (see below).

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You can also use the LoMag module to change the names of individual columns. To do that, mark the column in the LoMag window, and then give it a new name in the LoMag field. You can change the remaining fields, LoMag and LoMag. You can come back to default settings at any given moment - use the LoMag icon to do that.

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Apart from the column management button discussed above (LoMag), you also have the option of item list pagination. Automatic pagination is turned on by default. If you want the LoMag module to display all accounts on one drop-down list, use the LoMag function (the pagination function will be turned off). In order to turn on the pagination again use the LoMag key. To use pagination to go to the first, previous, next and last page use the following keys LoMag . Pages are created automatically adjusting to the number of items and the size of the LoMag window.
Keys which are used to go to subsequent pages (LoMag) might be inactive in certain situations. For example, the first page key and previous page key will be inactive if you are on page No.1, or all keys might be blocked, because your accounts have been displayed on one page.
The LoMag button is used to manage filters in the LoMag window. The filtering function helps us to quickly display appropriate accounts following the variants defined by you. This function is not used with accounts as often as it is used with, e.g., items. To find out more about the function for filtering data, go here, and proceed to item 1.5 Item lists - filtering .